
These calculations are intended for educational use by healthcare professionals. Calculations must be re-checked and should not be used to guide patient care or clinical judgment (Disclaimer).

Deze tool is gebaseerd op de lipidenwaarden van deelnemers aan de Lifelines study die geen hart- en vaatziekten in de voorgeschiedenis hebben en die geen cholesterolverlagende medicatie gebruikten. 133.450 volwassenen (>= 18 jaar) en 8.071 kinderen (<18 jaar) zijn geïncludeerd. Verdere details staan beschreven in:

1. Balder, J. W. et al. J. Clin. Lipidol. 11, 1055-1064.e6 (2017)
2. Balder, J. W. et al. J. Clin. Lipidol. 12, 1208–1216 (2018)
3. Stolk, R. P. et al. Eur. J. Epidemiol. 23, 67–74 (2008)

Educational purposes only

The content of this website is intended for use by healthcare professionals and provides information for educational purposes. The content of this website does not provide medical advice relating to an individual case or a patient, nor does it offer medical or diagnostic services. We do not guarantee that the information we provide will meet your health or medical requirements. It is up to you to contact a health professional if you have any concerns about your health.